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What is Digital Signage?

Making Digital Signage your success

At ZetaDisplay, we believe that digital communication with consumers, whether it is online, in-store or through mobile or social devices, is the most important and effective tool to engage and influence behaviour at the point of decision. It is a very visual discipline where the magic happens behind the screen. Here we merge consumer insights as well as shopper analytics with flawless technical skills for that final nudge – making people choose you at the right time and place.

With our understanding of your customers’ behaviour, we create a solution that is tailored to your needs and truly integrated with your digital ecosystem. A solution that gives the desired results for your business and brand. From strategy and planning to hardware, deployment, content production, analysis and support, we offer the total package – we think beyond the screen to make Digital Signage your success.

Three customer avenues


Delivering a tailor-made experience in the moment of truth in a physical shop environment. In a turbulent retail environment, Digital Signage helps measurably to increase footfall and spend per visitor.

  • Keeping visitors in the store longer thus leading to a higher conversion rate.
  • Strengthening brand experience and increasing store footfall. 
  • Enabling efficient handling of the marketing mix in the store.
  • Creating an emotional and brand-building experience for the consumer.
  • Combining online and in-store sales into a seamless experience for the consumer.
  • Enabling an additional advertising platform for the retailer.


Providing confidence to our customers that complex public Digital Signage solutions work smoothly, safely and reliably. We adhere to rigid service level agreements and breathe technical know-how, excellent customer support and have sufficient feet on the ground. Rough conditions met by a highly professional organization.

  • Handling complicated installations in indoor and outdoor public environments safely, smoothly and reliably.
  • Providing relevant information at the right time.
  • Removing the pressure from the customer’s own customer service if the right information can be provided.
  • Up-to-date information from a combination of human and computer-controlled editorial planning.

Corporate communication

Cutting through the clutter of organizational and personal communication messages. We do that by designing relevant content delivered where people move in a workplace: entrance, coffee corner, canteen. Delivering reinforcement of strategic messages and relevant tailor-made content.

  • Present where employees are, attracting attention naturally.
  • Enabling an effective mix of relevant central and local information.
  • Creating uniform and engaging visual impressions across geographically dispersed operations.
  • Following the user logic from existing CMS systems, making it easy for organisations to produce and manage the desired content.

Start Your Journey with Retail Media

Retail media is a powerful advertising channel that combines the precision of digital data with the impact of in-store engagement, enabling brands to connect with customers throughout their shopping journey.

Benefits of digital signage

By using Digital Signage you are able to create attention (stopping power), communicate relevant messages (holding power) and to nudge behaviour (closing power). We have been measuring it for a long time and it has been proven very effective.

  • You can use existing material in a new channel
  • You save on discontinuing costly print, booklet, poster and other physical communication channels
  • Digital is flexible and saves money easy multi-country marketing/communications operations
  • combined content management by multiple stakeholders
  • Measurable ROM (Return On Message)
  • Quick ROI (Return On Investment)
  • SAAS offering combined with technical integration and maintenance by ZetaDisplay offer easy entry and scalability

Let’s talk about Digital Signage