Broken Screen
If the screen is broken beyond repair a replacement order must be made. Contact Swedish Match support if you need help in creating a replacement order.
Backlight issues
If the screen is not physically broken but the brightness of the display is fading (Please have a look at the image to the right.) A replacement order also must be made. In some cases, this type of damage is covered by the warranty depending on how old the monitor is.
Please contact ZetaDisplay Support:
1. A detailed description of the issue
2. Store name & location
3. SM-ID (Example: M-1000XXXXX)
4. Serial number of the screen (If you are unsure of how to locate the Serial Number, please follow the guide titled” How to locate Serial Number”
6. The screens placement Example: On top of fridge, on door etc.
7. Screen size (13”, 22”, 32”, 37” (Stretch), 43”, 55”.
8. ID/Label on the Teltonika router/USB stick.