Zeta Access-Control

With a dynamically changing retail environment, it is vital your digital signage can respond to government regulations and customer needs.
- Keep track of the number of visitors in your shop
- Communicate clearly via a link to your people counter system whether it is ok to enter
- Provide time for your staff to do what they are best at serving the consumer
- Minimize the need for additional security personnel
- Open an additional revenue opportunity
- Protect health & safety for your staff
On top of your regular playlist, we create a real-time widget, integrated with your people counter system. Through our event server, the widget gets instant information when someone enters or exits the store, providing relevant messaging to your screen in less than a second.

maximum visitors:
Close to maximum visitors:
Maximum visitors:
A message informs
the customer about the current number of visitors in the store in comparison with local retail regulations.
When the people in the store are getting close to the maximum amount of people the number displayed will turn red.
A message takes over the entire screen as a layer on top of your regular playlist with a clear message for the customer to wait. The motion will increase attention.
Let’s get started
Chief Commercial Officer Laila Hede Jensen, will help you start the journey to a safe and rewarding shopping experience.