My first few months at ZetaDisplay also coincided with EuroShop, the world leading retail trade event. For me, this is akin to visiting an amusement park, it always sets my head spinning with crazy new ideas!
Even though COVID 19 was threatening to mess up mine, and the world’s calendars, the show was still able to take place just ahead of global lockdowns in early February. What I didn’t have time for, however, was to blog about my findings, as customer projects needed to be prioritized.
This is why I’m coming back to this topic today. Below are some of the key trends that we saw throughout the show. I hope it will be helpful to you when developing your business and making investments for the future.
1. Digital solutions aid smooth-running operations
Digital Signage enables a seamless connection between point of sale (POS) solutions and visual content. Through integrations, screen content can be triggered automatically by factors like the movement of shoppers, the number of people in the store, or the weather outside. The sky’s the limit! Interactivity instore can also be increased through voice activation.
2. Static retail stores are history
The floor plan needs to live and breathe daily business needs. In practice, this means that the display units have to be easy to adjust and transfer from one place to another. Dynamic product and price tag solutions are supporting this trend by making changes as quickly as possible.
3. Intelligent digital signage Vs personal customer service
Intelligent display solutions can be enhanced by collecting data on consumer behaviour at the store. At its best, digital signage is a platform to give personalised purchase recommendations based on insight and interest from the customer. It is important to understand where to benefit from automation and AI and where to put all efforts into personal customer service.
4. Online operations become easier
The coronavirus epidemic has increased the online grocery business significantly. In this market, electronic price tags can be used for retrieving products from the shelves more efficiently. Well-designed price tag solutions help employees to find the products from the shelves faster and the tags can also be utilized in shelving.
5. Sustainability
Sustainability has become vital for retail. The winners will be those who will be able to communicate their sustainability agenda clearly to their customers. Digital content automation will help you to inform your customers about your sustainability actions and the origin of your products directly from the product database.
Annukka Pokki
The writer works as a Commercial Director at ZetaDisplay Finland
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